Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blood Compact @Loay!

After our visit in Alburquerque, Mrs. Chona Ricacho informed the science high students that our next stop would be at Loay, Bohol in which the Real ‘Blood Compact Site’ was located. The students were excited to discover the truth about Sandugo so we ride our respective buses and we were bound for Loay. After a while, we have reached the Blood Compact Site.
We were facilitated by Ate Janette, the one assigned to explain the Truth about Sandugo. First, she let us see some pictures which were taken from the site itself.

We found ourselves staring at a well in the center of the site. Ate Janette told us that it existed in the time of Datu Sikatuna, the chief captain of Loay around 1565. It was the source of water during their time. She also said that it was 20 meters deep that time but the Municipality of Loay decided to fill it because of the fact that a child could drown in the said well. Even though it is filled, the mouth of it is still visible and there is still water (around 5 meters deep).

The one that caught our attention was the big painting of a Galleon (a very large ship) which was said to be the vessel of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi(also known as the king of Spain ) was an expeditor from Spain and was drifted in the coast of Loay . Arriving in Loay, López de Legazpi noticed the hostility of the people. A servant explained that such hostility was due to the expeditions conducted by the Portuguese from the Moluccas islands.

The Sandugo began with the arrival of Miguel López de Legazpi in Bohol in March 16, 1565 and the establishment of allegiance by Datu Sikatuna to the king of Spain . They made a cut on their left arm with a dagger and poured their blood into a cup filled with wine, which they both drank in honor of their friendship. By performing a blood compact, it preserves the bond of friendship between two tribes. This ceremony was the first treaty of friendship between the natives, and the Spaniards. Juan Luna, a Filipino painter, depicted this event in his painting entitled El Pacto de Sangre ("the blood pact") in 1883. After Ate Janette discussed these facts, she entertained us to 4 men wearing costumes. They introduced themselves. The first man was Lopez de Legazpi, the second one was his servant, the third one was Datu Sikatuna, and the fourth was Sikatuna`s servant. They also spoke some languages when they were introducing themselves. After the entertainment, Ate Janette told us that we could try the costumes in the box for students who liked to take pictures. Hearing this, the students took pictures of themselves, as well with their friends. We were all happy and satisfied.

After taking some pictures, Mrs. Chona Ricacho requested the students to go to their respective buses because we will go for it is getting dark. We gave our thanks and bade goodbye to Ate Janette and to the 4 men. We went to our buses with satisfied faces. Thinking of the experiences, from the science fair to Loay, it`s a one of a lifetime experience we will cherish forever…..