Thursday, October 22, 2009

Head on a Platter

You can see the head on top of the platter because it is the only part of the body left uncovered. The table legs clip the mirror's edges so that you hardly notice that the two front sides of the tables are actually mirrors. This gives the illusion that the head - the only visible part is separated from the body!

Gravity Well

When the coin lands on the well, the force of gravity should make it go straight down to the hole. Instead, the coin moves round and round the cone gradually moving towards and into the hole.

Hexagonal Kaleidoscope

We pushed the button to turn the video on. We look through the hexagonal viewer and we saw many identical images through it. We saw moving images. When we looked directly through the kaleidoscope, we saw an image in the center and on each of the six sides of the kaleidoscope. All six images on the sides were identical to the one in the center.

Here are some shots that we took:

Hot Spot

We held our hand in front of the dish and moved it until we felt the hottest part. The hot spot is close to the dish's focal point. The focal point is where parallel light waves directed at the dish is concentrated. The parabolic shape of the dish captures heat from the lamp and focuses it to a single point.


When we pressed the button, a motor pump was switched on to transfer water to an elevated container. Water gains potential due to its height. This potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when water falls on the turbine.
Hydropower is the energy of moving water. The largest use of this is to produce electricity, w/c allows low-cost energy to be used at long distances from the water source.

Hyperbolic Slot

The double curve cut into the acrylic board is an example of a “hyperbola”. Two parts of a hyperbola are formed when a pair of cones, joined at their tips, is intersected by a plane parallel to the axes of the cone.
In this exhibit, the stick traces out the surface of the pair of cones, while the acrylic board acts as the plane intersecting the cones. The slot was cut to follow the exact path of the hyperbolic intersection.

Hyperboloid String

The exhibit is a model of the quadratic surface called a hyperboloid of one sheet. It is an example of a surface of revolution wherein the shape is produced by rotating a hyperbola (two parabolas) about the perpendicular bisector to the line between the foci.
The hyperboloid of one sheet is first discovered by Archimedes. In 1669 Christopher Wren, the architect who designed St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, showed that this kind of hyperboloid is what mathematicians now call a ruled surface – a surface composed of infinitely many straight lines.


In this exhibit, we saw a white equilateral triangle but in fact none is drawn. This effect is known as a subjective or illusory contour. Also the non-existent white triangle appears to be brighter than the surrounding area. Actually, it has the same brightness as the area around it.

Look Who's Talking

The exhibit can be perceived either as two white faces looking at each other with a black background, or as a black vase on a white background. When we pushed the button, the persons appear to be talking to each other.
This exhibit is classified as figure-background illusion. The shape of the figure depends on which side of the outline is regarded as a part. The changes in the figure that we saw may be due to our shift of attention on the shape of the outline. Our experiences and interests can influence how we perceived the figure. This would affect our inclination as to which side of the outline should be given emphasis.

Magnetic Field

In this exhibit, it helps us to visualize magnetic field lines by observing the effect that the lines have on compasses. The magnet generates a magnetic field which extends to the area around the magnet. Magnetic fields affect a compass. A compass is built as a stand-alone sealed instrument with a magnetized needle turning freely on a nearly frictionless pivot point. It can be used to detect small magnetic field.
The exhibit identifies the magnetic field of a magnet by placing compasses at various locations around the bar magnet and observing where the compass needles point. As it goes closer to the magnet, the compass begins point more and more toward the magnet as a result of the force, or the magnetic field of the magnet. The compass needle aligns itself with the magnetic flux lines of the magnet.


In this exhibit, we placed the tip of the modified screwdriver between the magnets, and we removed it at the same manner after a few seconds. Then, we touched the top of the metal washer with the screwdriver and picked it up, and we rubbed the tip of the screwdriver against the top of the magnet, and picked it up.
Magnets attract some materials. The tip of the screwdriver is made up of materials that are attracted by magnet. They are called magnetic materials. All these materials are metals. It is possible to magnetize and de-magnetize magnetic materials. Stroking a magnetic material such as the screwdriver with a permanent magnet causes tiny magnetic domains in the material to align. The material itself becomes a temporary magnet. It attracts the washer which is a magnetic material.
Rubbing the screw driver’s tip on the top of the ring magnet will arrange magnetic domains in random. The screwdriver becomes non-magnetic again. That is why it cannot pick up the washer.


In this exhibit, the object that we saw is actually an image in space created by two concave mirrors facing each other.
The object is placed at the center of the bottom mirror. When light from a point on the object hits the top mirror, it reflects in parallel rays. These parallel rays hit the bottom mirror and reflect so that they come together and form a point located at one focal length from the bottom mirror. The image produced by the mirror is a real image, since the light that forms it actually passes through the location of the image.

Money Detector

When we placed the bill under the lamp (the device that let us know if the bill is genuine or fake), some parts of the bill glow and reveal interesting marks. The marks are called fluorescent prints and they fluoresce or glow when exposed to the lamp.
The money detector has a special bulb called the UV lamp or black light. This emits ultraviolet light which causes the fluorescent dye on the bill to light up. Fluorescent marks usually portray the denomination of the bill. The dye is also incorporated in the serial numbers and security fibers. This causes them to glow as well.

Pedal Power

Two of our classmates tried this exhibit, when they pedaled slowly, the lower bulbs light up, when they pedaled faster, all the bulbs light up and we also heard a musical sound.
Energy transformation makes these things happened. Energy exists in one form or another- it cannot be created nor destroyed.

Photovaltic Cells

Pressing the button switches on the two focusing lamps. The solar panel directly converts light energy from the lamp into electricity. A mini fan at the bottom of the tube blows air that keeps the ball floating. The height of the ball depends on the speed of the fan which itself depends on energy recieved from the lamps. Regulate the amount of light from the lamps to see how it affects the output which is the height of the ball. Readings on the ammeter and voltmeter show the amount of current and voltage respectively.

Plasma Sphere

The plasma sphere is made up of a glass flask that contains a mixture of inert gases under a reduced pressure. At the center of the flask is an electrode that releases electrical energy. When electrical energy passes through the gas mixture, atoms that make up the gases become highly ionized. We saw these ionized gases, called plasma, streaming from the central electrode towards the glass like short lightning bolts.
When we touch the surface of the sphere or even just hold your fingers very close to the surface, the streaks move towards your fingers. When you move your fingers over the surface, the streaks move and follow your fingers. Your fingers conduct electricity, “looking for an outlet to discharge.”

Rotating Discs

In this exhibit there are two discs, the depth spinner disc and the Ben ham’s disc. In the first disc, when we stared at the moving pattern, our eyes and brain got used to seeing the movement. When we looked at the wall, it appeared to be moving. On the second disc, when we gazed at one place, we were looking at alternating flashes of black and white. Our eyes and brain could see the white color only when all three cones were responding equally.

Simple Generator

We slowly rotated the disc connected to the magnet to make a half turn. We also observed the two red light- emitting diodes and the voltmeter. After that, we rotated the disc fast to make a sudden half turn of the magnet.
When we turned the magnet slowly, the change of magnetic field is slow and little current is induced. When we quickly turned the magnet, the magnetic field changed rapidly making the LEDs light brightly. When we continuously turned the magnet at a faster rate, greater current is induced. The interval between the alternating current became so short that the LEDs light up and blinked continuously. This exhibit demonstrates generation of electricity.

Uphill Roller

The double cone rolls on a pair of wooden rails which are pitched slightly uphill as they widen. The cone seems to move uphill, because it rolls up the rails. It does so because as the rails widen, more of the cone falls below the level of the rails.

Van De Graaff generator

A Van de Graaff generator is an electrostatic generator which uses a moving belt to accumulate very high electrostatically stable voltages on a hollow metal globe on the top of the stand. Invented in 1929 by American physicist Robert J. Van de Graaff, the potential differences achieved in modern Van de Graaff generators can reach 5 megavolts. The Van de Graaff generator can be thought of as a constant-current source connected in parallel with a capacitor and a very large electrical resistance.

Some of the students tried this exhibit. Dearen, Mickay, Cham2x and Praicell were the students who tested the Van De Graaff generator.

Vibrating String

When we turned the knob clockwise, the string vibrated faster. Turning the knob counterclockwise causes the string to vibrate slowly.
The waves produced when the strings vibrated fast are shorter. Conversely, the waves produced by slow vibrating string are longer. The waves going out along the string and the reflected waves coming back combined to make a large motion of the string at some places and cancelled each other at the point called “nodes.”

Water Parabola

As the thin rectangular tank spins, the water in it tends to continue moving in a straight line tangent to the circle. However, the container restrains the water and forces it to keep moving in a circle. The water near the edge goes around in one large circle at the same time that the water near the center goes around in a small circle. This means that the water near the edge travels faster than the water near the center. The faster an object moves in a circle, the larger is the force necessary to hold it in the circle.

Wind Power

This exhibit showed how wind produces electricity. Cranking the blower fan generates enough air to move the turbine blades. The turbine is connected to the generator by means of a shaft. Inside the generator are magnets attached to the shaft. As the shaft rotated, electric current is induced in the coils of wire, making the LEDs light up.


First, we looked through a slit on the disk and we saw a horse and its rider on the mirror. As we looked through the slit, we spanned the disk slowly and then spanned it faster again.
Painted on the side of the disc facing the mirror is a sequence of pictures of horses and riders. When we spanned the disk slowly, the horse and the rider seemed to move continuously like in a horse race.

Bohol Museum!!

Bohol Museum is former president Carlos P. Garcia's home. It houses the personal memorabilia of the late president. Also found here are art objects, botanical, zoological and archeological materials from Bohol. And yes, we were there.

After our science fair in Island City Mall, we went to visit the Bohol Museum in Tagbilaran. When we got there, we directly wandered around and we saw many artifacts or exhibits in the said place.

When roaming around, we saw some display of Ancient bones, paintings, remains and many other displays.

We entered a room full of pictures of different places and it's features. It looks like an art gallery.

We also entered a small door that leads us to a small room which was very hot and the students got all sweaty because of lack of air inside the room. We saw creative paintings there regarding the history of Bohol.

After some explanations and discussions, we set off and went to our next destination. Albur, where Prony resides...

Prony Delight!

After we explored the Bohol Museum , Mrs. Chona Ricacho told us that we will go to our next destination, the big snake of Alburquerque. We went to our buses and settled down for a while. After 30 minutes, we have reached Alburquerque. If you’re wondering what we are doing in Alburquerque, we went there because we will visit the home of a PHYTON SANCTUM which is 5 years in existence.

When we arrived, we were introduced to JingJing Salibay, the lady caretaker of the snake. We also met another caretaker who is as interesting as the python itself. She (well, he says that he’s not a man) told us some facts about the snake. She asked us to approach the cage and soon enough, she started discussing about the snake.

The snake’s name is “Prony”. Prony belongs to the family Phyton Sacntum. Prony was caught in 1996 in Sta. Fe, Albuquerque , Bohol weighing 5 kilograms and a length of 5 ft. then. Through the years it has grew into a monstrous creature now having a lengh of approximately 23 feet and has an estimated weight of more than 300kg. This is the biggest and the longest captivity of a snake ever known. Prony ate cats and dogs which should be clean and free of bruises. But the Animal Welfare Rights Activists told that this is illegal. So, they funded for the food of the said snake. Now, Prony is eating pigs instead. The funny thing is that, feeding is done only on Full moon. After she discussed, she made us touch the underwear made from the skin of Prony. It is really creative and you can feel the texture of the skin.

Soon enough, when she finished her discussion about the Phyton, we wandered around their little sanctuary. We saw that not only Prony was there but there were also many kinds of animals like owls, crows, love birds, puppies, chicken and also various types of snakes.

After roaming around, we were very curious what was happening when suddenly all the students gathered around the little nipa hut. As we drew closer, we found out that the gay will perform a sing and dance presentation for us. We were very excited that time to see her (or him, whatever, he's a gay) perform. As she started, we thought she was just an ordinary dancer or comedian performing for us but suddenly as the music went on, we can't help but laughed and chuckled. Know why? It's because of her performance, dirty dance moves and incredible energy that made us spit out our laghter. She crawled under a table and opened her mouth like she was going to eat the microphone. But, the funniest part was when she held her feet up to the wood, and started swinging like a monkey (good thing the wood didn’t break). Here are some snapshots of her while she's performing.

After the presentation, Mrs. Chona Ricacho informed the students to go back to their respective buses because we will go to our last destination. After taking pictures, we went to our buses and headed off. Next stop, the blood compact site of Loay…